Help us improve palliative care in Ontario!

Team Losing Our Parents is participating in the 2011 Healing Cycle Ride to raise funds for hospice palliative care in Ontario. 100% of donations go directly to improving hospice palliative care, which we believe is a VERY important cause.


You probably assume that when someone you love nears end of life they will receive the necessary care. The sad reality is that there is a critical shortage of end-of-life care. Most terminally-ill patients and their loved ones are not getting the care and support they need and deserve. It is estimated that only 3 out of every 10 Canadians that require hospice palliative care actually receive this care. And each death in Canada affects the immediate well-being of an average of five other people, or more than 1.25 million Canadians each year.

With the general population aging, the demand for hospice palliative care services will substantially increase. Over 240,000 Canadians pass away each year and this is projected to increase to over 325,000 by 2028. Up to 90% of Canadians who pass away could benefit from hospice palliative care. However, hospice palliative care programs are at least 60% funded by charitable donations and families inevitably bear part of the cost of a loved one dying anywhere outside of a hospital. It is clear that there is great need and also a significant gap.

Make a donation today!

Please sponsor one of our team members and help make a difference in care: click here to view our team list. You can click any of our riders’ names to make a donation to that team member.

Thank you so much for your support!

Team Losing Our Parents

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