Helping my parents

I’m concerned that my parents aren’t doing well with their health. What should I look for when I visit them?

You can look for several subtle signs of deteriorating health, such as weight loss or weight gain, frequent trips to the doctor, and decreased social activity.

You can also ask yourself the following questions: Are your parents getting adequate nutrition? Are they eating enough? Has it become difficult or cumbersome for them to make their own meals or to go grocery shopping?

Also, are your parents getting adequate rest at night? (As we age our bodies need more rest.) Are they taking enough time to rest during the day? Or are they resting too much during the day?

Next, consider medications. Are they taking their medications correctly throughout the day? Missed dosages and over medicating contribute greatly to a feeling of ill health.

Finally, ask your parents about their health and any issues that affect them. Share your concerns with them and listen carefully to how they respond.

If this is your first look into their health, educate yourself on all of the ailments they have and watch out for any warning signs or symptoms of deteriorating health. This way, you’ll be able to separate serious concerns from minor upsets.

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