House Calls

There is a company in Toronto that has a unique way to help and service seniors who are isolated in their homes and need medical treatment and care.  Here is a quote from their website about what they do.

House Calls is a primary health care program for home-bound seniors living in our catchment area. As a unique collaborative led by Dr. Mark Nowaczynski, Clinical Director, and SPRINT Senior Care, Lead Administrative Agency,  House Calls provides comprehensive primary medical care, as well as occupational therapy, physiotherapy, social work and connections to community support services for seniors living at home with physical, cognitive and social frailties.

House Calls and its partners also work closely with hospitals and other health care provides to foster client-centred continuity of care, especially during transitions between care providers.”


Here is a link to their site:


What a wonderful model for home care.  If only it could be everywhere.

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