Join Western University’s New Research Project.

The University of Western Ontario has a new, exciting research project for Personal Support Workers who are working with persons with dementia.

Here are the details of their project: 

We are looking for volunteers who meet the following criteria:

  • Age 18 years or older
  • Completion of the PSW program at the college level
  • A minimum of 6 months experience with clients with dementia
  • Current work employment in home care with clients with dementia
  • Able to attend all training sessions
  • Sufficient communication skills in English to participate in the training program
  • Consent to audio and video recording of training sessions
  • Consent to audio-recording one hour of home care provision for a client with dementia


Training will be offered in Winter 2018 and Spring 2018. The program will include:

-6 week training program, including clinical skills training at McCormick Dementia Services

-Three month follow-up session

-A time commitment of 3-7 hours/week

-Certificate of Completion and $150


For more information about this study or to volunteer for this study, please contact:

Dr. Marie


(519) 661-2111

X 82215

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