LAUREN’S STORY: For my mom

For a long time now, I have been taking care of my mother. Although her health isn’t great, I won’t let her live in a nursing home. She has done so much for me over the years and now I am able to return the favour and look after her. We get along great together.

A few months ago, a week before her birthday, I knew just the gift to get for her. She had always longed for her piano, which she had back in her home country but couldn’t bring with her. And she never had the chance to get one here. Although she hadn’t played for a long time, I was sure she would still remember some of her music.

Finally the big day arrived, and our family celebrated and enjoyed the afternoon with mom. After the cake, it was time to open her presents. I had saved my gift for last.

I could tell she was puzzled when I put the large, long gift-wrapped box in front of her. She looked surprised when she ripped off the wrapping and saw the brand new piano bench. That’s when I led her into the next room where her new upright piano was.

She was thrilled. She even sat right down and played a pretty little tune—music to my ears! I’m sure I’ll never forget mom’s happy face.

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