Meet: Eleanor Silverberg

Eleanor Final Portrait 300 x 300Eleanor Silverberg is the Managing Director of Jade Self-Development Coaching Inc. She brings over 20 years of academic and independent study to helping caregivers. Eleanor joins our project to talk about her new book, her workshops and her upcoming symposium for caregivers:

1. “Keeping it together. Find how to cope as a family caregiver, without losing your sanity”.

Keeping it togetherEleanor has recently published her second book for caregivers. Her book focuses on your welfare as the care provider for a chronically ill family member. A must-read if you do not want to lose yourself in the caregiving world or if you are losing yourself and need to find your way to move forward with more resilience to ‘keep it together’. Silverberg combines compassion and innovation in providing tools to tackle common but often unspoken challenges that family caregivers face and in providing an opportunity to come out the other end more personally enriched.

2. Workshops

There are a variety of workshops available to family caregivers.  They are fun, educational and supportive.

3. The 3-A Approach 

An opportunity for caregivers to strengthen resiliency and well-being by assisting them in accommodating and adapting to the caregiver grief from situational loss that comes with adversity. The Approach involves using the words:

4. Family Caregiver Community Symposium

Eleanor is hosting an important family caregiver community symposium on October 1, 2016 in York Region.  It will be an afternoon of educate, support and networking.

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