Meet: Shirley Edwards

S. EdwardsShirley Edwards joins our project to share some information about the programs that she offers to help families and family caregivers.  She has extensive experience in helping to navigate the Ontario health care system and programs to help families deal with their caregiver needs.

Please take a moment to listen to our conversation with her.

Shirley Edwards of Family Care Solutions provides consulting, coaching and training for Caregivers – from a holistic view. Shirley brings over 30 years of experience supporting families in the disability field, plus couching, leadership training and more than 15 years of experience with care for seniors.  She ‘bridges’ the approach of adapting and thriving from the disability field to how to support people who are aging and dealing with health and functional changes.

Her programs all start and work from the context ‘quality of life’ – not just health care, but of happiness. She starts with purpose, values and passions – not just for the person who is in need of care, but for the Caregiver too!

Shirley has a saying: “Obligation kills love”.

Shirley brings a planning process and team model to the care of your loved one AND YOU! Shirley often says: “Caregiving is much more than making the sandwich!” and “It’s much more than health care, too!” Quality care is just one component of quality of life. And we are much more than just bodies! She often quotes Oprah: “Who you are matters!”

If you listen to her podcast she shares her background as the parent of a 31 year old with cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus and multiple disabilities – as well as the daughter of a mother who has multiple conditions and disabilities and went to high need care in 2015. Shirley is responsible for both of her family members…yet…runs a business and has her own team!

Shirley’s programs teach caregivers how to avoid burnout and to surround themselves with the resources and recognition they deserve! And, to say caregivers are busy is an understatement. So, Shirley provides service by phone to make it easy!

Finally, Shirley believes that empowering Caregivers as the ‘FAMILY CARE LEADERS’ that they are is critical, because we are the answer to the broken system!

You can contact Shirley directly at 647-827-0821 or

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