A viral intruder, living inside you see
Invaded my space, weeks ago, for free
It challenged and scared the bejeezies out of me
All comfy and cozy, a long stay came to be.
“Sick ‘n tired of being sick ‘n tired,” I say
Lay down, try to sleep, not happenin’, no way
Get to the clinic for an in-depth x-ray
Or this pest will continue its’ menacing hey day.
Coughing, sneezing, wheezing, I vent
Are natural remedies making a dent?
Expecting more, for the money I spent
Wasn’t that flu shot aimed to prevent?
Feel bad for being temporarily absent
Can’t call, can’t zoom, can’t see a client
No work, no people, missing a major event
A sign to retire? A signal well meant?
Pain, then headache, what could be next
A friendly hello, a heartwarming text
Life can lift us, or leave us perplexed
Like this bug, and all its effects.
It’s time to strengthen, return to the flow
Shop and ski and bake homemade dough
Holidays, bright lights, the city’s aglow
The beauty of winter, festivals and snow.
Turmeric, lemon, tea, and honey
Ingest it all, when your nose is runny
Most important: keep your disposition sunny
Best meds: watch anything funny.
Thank you, I’m grateful, you all cared and called
Left feel-better-soup in the hall, where I crawled
This load of germs, that I’ve carried and hauled
Has come to an end, virus un-installed!
A poem by: Aura Aberback
Wow. So smart. And funny. Even though the subject matter isn’t funny. At all.
Thank you Sharon for your kind and pointed opinion. Glad you are an avid follower of my work and the Caregivingmatters website. Until the next poem,