Caregiver Heroes LogoThere are only four types of people in this world:

  1. Those who have been caregivers
  2. Those who are currently caregivers
  3. Those who expect to be caregivers
  4. Those who will need a caregiver

We believe that the care of the ill by family members and friends is very important and deserves greater recognition and appreciation by our society.

Family caregivers do many amazing heroic acts. They help with household duties, take people to medical appointments, help with shopping, meals, dressing, hygiene and many more tasks. Family caregivers often have great stress, assume extra financial burdens and may suffer from burnout.

“Caregiver Heroes” is dedicated to appreciating, acknowledging and simply thanking family caregivers for all they do. “Caregiver Heroes” supports the concept of “Paying It Forward”.

Ready to nominate a hero?

Please e-mail to nominate a friend or family caregiver who you believe is a hero.