Ontario LTC– A Sh-t Storm of horrific news.

Today a report by the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) was released exposing the horrific conditions in some Long Term Care Homes in Ontario.  Here is a quote from a  CTV on-line article:   “The  report revealed the grim state inside the facilities, claiming not only that there were staffing shortages and lack of personal protective equipment (PPE), but also that there were bug infestations, old food trays stacked inside resident rooms and that patients were observed “crying for help with staff not responding.”


There are so many horrific stories, so many questions and very few answers. Nothing will be fixed instantly, but that is what is needed. The residents and their families deserve better.  Shame on those who have let this happen.

Thank heavens for our military who exposed this issue and wrote this report.  Maybe this will help change things.


To read the full article, click here:




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