I am looking forward to speaking at the York Caregiver Show on Sunday Sept. 8th in Richmond Hill. The title of my presentation is: “A Practical Perspective on Family Caregiving”. Included in my presentation will be my favorite “Do’s and Don’ts” for family caregivers and also how to be a good friend to a caregiver with another set of “Do’s and Don’ts’”.
Our Charity, “Caregiving Matters” will have a booth at the show, so please drop by and say hello. Here is link to the show details: http://www.caregivershow.ca/index.html
Do you have help if you are your OWN caregiver?
Hello Mary,
I attended your session at the Caregiver show this past Sunday, and thoroughly enjoyed it.
You mentioned that you would be able to put the presentation up on your website, but I haven’t been able to find it. Could you direct me to it?
Many thanks,