The ABCs of Caregiving for Seniors

Caregiving Matters Project The ABCs of Caregiving for Seniors

 Caregiving to older family members is complicated. 

There are a wide-variety of issues well beyond the actual giving of care that need to be addressed. We are producing a project that is funded by the Ontario Government that helps families deal with many of these complex issues.  As part of our project, we produced a full day of FREE workshops in King, City Ontario.  Here are the details:

Date:  Saturday October 13, 2018

Topics included:

  • Legal issues
  • Financial issues
  • Funding care
  • Crisis management
  • Care for the caregiver


King City Seniors’ Centre
30 Fisher St, King City, ON L7B 1G3

Our workshop speakers were fantastic and were filmed.  In case you did not attend our live event, here are the videos.  We wish to thank the Ontario government for funding this project.

We are grateful for the support of

Topics and speakers

Long Term Care: Planning Steps Caregivers Need To Take
Karen Henderson
Long Term Care Planning Network
Coping as a Caregiver: It Takes Brains, Heart and Courage
Eleanor Silverberg, BA Psych, MSW, RSW
Managing Director, Jade Self Development Coaching Inc.
Top 10 Financial Issues to Know About
Maureen Burleson
The Montana Group
Crisis Management
Susan Hyatt, CEO and Co-Founder
Silver Sherpa
Planning for Incapacity: Legal Consent and Decision-Making

The ABCs of Caregiving for Seniors Episodes

Long Term Care: Planning Steps Caregivers Need To Take

Karen Henderson
Long Term Care Planning Network

Coping as a Caregiver: It Takes Brains, Heart and Courage

Eleanor Silverberg, BA Psych, MSW, RSW
Managing Director, Jade Self Development Coaching Inc.

Top 10 Financial Issues to Know About

Maureen Burleson
The Montana Group

Crisis Management

Susan Hyatt, CEO and Co-Founder
Silver Sherpa

Lisa Feldstein
Lisa Feldstein Law Office