Caregiver Burn Out: Caring and Not Collapsing
Caroline Tapp-McDougall, Editor, Chair of Canada Cares discusses Caregiver Burnout – what it is, how to recognize it, and how to cope.
Protecting Yourself
Joan McDonald RN, CareConnect & The Care Guide discusses how a caregiver can protect him or herself from stress, anxiety, and fatigue.
Caring for the Dying
Dr. Natasha Zajc MD, CCFP, ABHPM, Chair – PalCare Network for York Region discusses how to care for the dying.
Substance Abuse Awareness
Victoria Andriets B.Sc Phm. R. Ph, Owner & Pharmacist, Shoppers Drug Mart, King City Approximately 10% of those age 60 or older abuse alcohol; It is estimated that alcohol-medication interactions may be a factor in about 25% of all emergency room visits. What is substance abuse? How do I recognize substance abuse in seniors? Why…