Trusts – Best Practices in the New Estate Planning Paradigm

Trusts is a common term you often hear when people speak about estate planning.  Trusts however can be complicated.  To help the public better understand some of the basic issues surrounding Trusts, our guest expert Dennis L. Nerland, QC shares some of his wisdom and expertise.

During our podcast (taped telephone interview) Dennis addresses the following questions:

  1. What is a trust?
  2. What are the benefits of a trust and why are they commonly used?
  3. What are some examples of today’s common uses of trusts?
  4. What is the most important consideration in establishing a trust?
  5. What is the most common mistake advisors & clients make in designing & operating Trusts?
  6. What are the generally accepted practices in the current trust-scape?
  7. Why a new trust-scape?
  8. What leading edge practices do you expect to see adapted over the next 10 years as the new trust-scape develops?
  9. What is the new highest bar for trustees and beneficiaries?
  10. What are the best practices for trustees / beneficiaries meetings?


We wish to thank Dennis Nerland, QC for joining our project and encourage our audience to listen and learn from him.


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