Using the Internet to stay socially engaged and to learn about elder abuses.

We are honoured to have OPP Detective Sergeant Leslie Raymond join our project as a podcast guest expert. She shares some of her thoughts and insights into the importance for older adults to stay socially engaged and how they can benefit from using the Internet to continue their participation in society.  Detective Sergeant Raymond also speaks about elder abuses and how people can benefit from a variety of web-based resources and public education available today on the Internet. During our podcast conversation, we covered:

  1. The benefits of older adults staying socially engaged
  2. Why isolation is bad
  3. Isolated people are more vulnerable to elder abuses
  4. The different types of elder abuses
  5. Steps to take if you suspect elder abuses
  6. Web-based resources about elder abuses

We wish to thank Detective Sergeant Leslie Raymond for joining our project and for helping us to better understand the value of staying socially engaged and ways to learn about and prevent elder abuses via the Internet.



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