Vivian’s Story

Last year I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and my doctor prescribed medication for it. I decided it was time to get proactive about my health but had never been a very athletic person. My friend Mary tried to convince me to join her running group. The idea of running 10 kilometres seemed insurmountable, but I decided to join anyway. I had no intentions of running a marathon, but wanted to get some exercise. Getting out to sessions was easier knowing my friend would be there because I didn’t want to disappoint her, otherwise I might have found an excuse not to go.

After just a few months, I am pleased to report that I feel better and my doctor’s happy with my blood pressure. Last month I ran my first five kilometre marathon. Crossing the finishing line and knowing I had just achieved my goal was an exhilarating feeling. I am now training for my second race and hoping for a “personal best” finishing time. I owe my friend a lot for believing in me and giving me the encouragement to do what once seemed impossible.

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