We’ve Got Mail

Share your experiences, comments and pictures. Send to Caregiver Solutions,

BCS Communications Ltd., 255 Duncan Mill Road, Suite 803, Toronto, ON, M3B 3H9, or email
editor@bcsgroup.com. Please note that all are subject to editing for publication purposes.


A few weeks ago I discovered Solutions back issues at my local library. Wow, wish I’d found this magazine when I was caring for my dad. However, I’ve still decided to subscribe so I can give it to a friend who has a husband in need of care.
Jill B., Unionville, ON

Editor’s Note: That’s very kind of you. We’re certain there will be articles of particular interest to your friend in our following issues.


The waiting times at doctor’s offices are getting worse. Please send more of your magazines
to family physicians offices. They’re a great read.
Babs R., Whitehorse, YT

Editor’s Note: We do send a lot to medical centres but often we’re happy to say, Solutions magazine get picked up and taken home. Hopefully you’ll be able to scoop one next time.


Since I have retired I’m no longer involved with seniors all day, but I wanted to thank you for years of great articles. Arthur M., Vancouver, BC

Editor’s Note: Thanks for your note. Happy retirement. Caregiving is often a family matter so chances are you might need us again.



These are things you should try to do for yourself to stay healthy and well:

Stay fit: Try to exercise or work out at least twice a week—ideally with a personalized program, a favourite cardio video or yoga session in the community.

Book an appointment with yourself: Put your personalized time in your daily diary or calendar and treat that commitment to yourself like a business meeting; in other words, not to be missed. Have fun planning for what you want to do in that time, so that you can look forward to it.

On the job: Learn to do some simple stretches at work that can be done in 5 minutes,
twice in the morning and afternoon.

Take a break: Make it your goal to turn off your mind for a set period of time and activate your body to give a physical outlet to the mental stress. His list of activities to try sounds like fun and welcome respite.

Best foot forward: Take a walk at the same time each day. Perhaps before breakfast or at lunch time. If you feel guilty, take along the kids or use your dog walking time as time for you.
Breathe when you’re rushing around: Stop for just a moment and take a deep breath.


Many thanks to Caregiving Solutions for sharing these articles with our community


Posted by Jordan Kalist

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