Quebec’s POA Laws – An overview.

Ann Soden - new pictureLawyer Ann Soden shares some basic information about power of attorney laws in Quebec. During our conversation, she speaks to the following POA issues:

  1. What should I do to ensure my finances are taken care of in the event that I have lost my ability to manage them on my own? How will I know that I will be cared for?
  2. What is the name of the document created for this purpose?
  3. Can I give authority to someone when I still have the ability to make my own decisions, but no longer have the same mobility?
  4. How do I decide who to give the power to and what is that person called in the document? What if something happens to that person?
  5. What duties does the person I appoint have towards me, my finances and my care?
  6. What if I don’t want the person that I appointed to have unrestricted powers over my finances?
  7. Can I revoke the document? And if so, how?

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