The COVID-19 Pandemic is changing our lives. Some are having a difficult time coping with the changes. To help, Eleanor Silverberg, talks about her 3-A Coping Framework as a means for you to self-monitor with self-awareness through situations of adversity and loss. Here is a link to her broadcast:
The 3-A’s, Acknowledge, Assess, Assist serve as an overarching guide in:
- Exploring and understanding the context of adversity and loss you are experiencing.
- Gaining insight into your reaction as it affects your means of coping
- Obtaining strategies to strengthen your resiliency so you may cope at an optimal level.
Benefits may include reduced tension, increased concentration, feelings of peace as well as strengthened coping ability.
About Eleanor Silverberg:

BA Psych, MSW, RSW
Eleanor Silverberg, founder of Jade Self Development Coaching, is a social worker, author, speaker and grief specialist who helps adults cope through diverse life-altering situations applying her innovative coaching methods. She specializes in assisting family caregivers of the chronically ill empowering them to self-monitor with self-awareness. Her mode of practice stands out as she combines existing grief strategies with conventional therapeutic models. The combined methods are incorporated within the 3-A Coping Framework Eleanor developed and featured in her books “Caregiving with Strength” and
“Keeping It Together”. Eleanor holds a BA in Psychology, Master of Social Work, Certification in Bereavement Education, extensive training and practice in Mindfulness and over 20 years of Independent Study in the Field of Grief Studies.