Caregiver Heroes
Bernadine and Ronnie

Bernadine and Ronnie willingly take great care of their Mother Trea. Trea is 88 years old and has lived in this house since 1965 when she bought it with her husband.

Kat, Ronnie, Bernadine, Trea
Kat, Ronnie, Bernadine, Trea

Trea raised her seven children here, worked for many years at several Eaton store locations and remains active at her church. After the death of her husband, Trea sold her home to her daughter Bernadine and her son-in-law and continues to live with them. This is a fun filled home especially because of the great joy and time she spends with her three grandchildren. The grandchildren love that their grandmother lives with them.

Bernadine lived in Vancouver for a couple of years, but wanted to come back home to be closer to family. Ronnie gladly is the “back up caregiver” to help take Trea to doctor appointments or shopping.

Each lady was offered one gift. Bernadine selected a pair of gold coloured silk curtains that are lined, Ronnie thought that new white sheets would be nice and Trea wanted a new tablecloth that everyone could enjoy. Bernadine and Ronnie are indeed “Caregiver Heroes”. They include their Mom in their lives, every day.

Special thanks to Kat Downey of “Legacy Matters” for nominating these “Caregiver Heroes”.

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1 Comment

  1. Heros they are! Mom is our first hero and all that she has taught us comes out in all that the girls do. They are my heros too! Healthy and Happy is the finer way of aging. Mom has the ability to do just that due to the unconditional love and care she receives. God willing we will watch her age for years to come. Thanks so much for acknowledging my sisters!