Top risks for seniors of living alone…Part 3-7
80% of falls by seniors occur in the bathroom.
The high price of being an unpaid caregiver.
All the research shows it’s not a matter of if you’re going to be a caregiver but when. You can’t be at your best if you neglect your own care.
How Exercise Might “Clean” the Alzheimer’s Brain
Engaging in physical activity can be restorative for those living with Alzheimer’s disease.
What to do when a loved one dies.
Although not a cheery topic for this time of year, it is unfortunately an important one to know about.
I’m a full-time caregiver for my father — don’t I deserve more money than my siblings?
This man says his sister is ‘money hungry’ and believes he has given up a lot to be a caregiver.
Read I’m a full-time caregiver for my father — don’t I deserve more money than my siblings?
The ABC’s of caregiving to seniors workshop videos.
Did you miss our workshop? No worries, we filmed it. Our videos are now on our site.
Our 5 newest estate planning project videos are now on our site
Did you miss our estate executor workshop? No worries, we filmed it. Check out the speaker’s videos.
Read Our 5 newest estate planning project videos are now on our site
The importance of communication when dealing with Wills.
Don’t be afraid to talk about your Will.
Read The importance of communication when dealing with Wills.
Half of older patients exposed to potentially inappropriate prescribing.
Better coordination of care needed to reduce avoidable medication related harm.
Read Half of older patients exposed to potentially inappropriate prescribing.
Living Longer
Although older Adults are living longer and with less chronic illnesses than previous generations, the vast- majority have a least one chronic disease or condition.