The ABC’s of caregiving to seniors workshop videos.

Did you miss our workshop? No worries, we filmed it. Our videos are now on our site.

Read The ABC’s of caregiving to seniors workshop videos.

Our 5 newest estate planning project videos are now on our site

Did you miss our estate executor workshop? No worries, we filmed it. Check out the speaker’s videos.

Read Our 5 newest estate planning project videos are now on our site

The importance of communication when dealing with Wills.

Don’t be afraid to talk about your Will.

Read The importance of communication when dealing with Wills.

Half of older patients exposed to potentially inappropriate prescribing.

Better coordination of care needed to reduce avoidable medication related harm.

Read Half of older patients exposed to potentially inappropriate prescribing.

Living Longer

Although older Adults are living longer and with less chronic illnesses than previous generations, the vast- majority have a least one chronic disease or condition.

Read Living Longer

Five-minute neck scan can spot dementia 10 years earlier, say scientists.

Would you want to know?

Read Five-minute neck scan can spot dementia 10 years earlier, say scientists.

Adult caregiving is very meaningful by those who do it.

About one-in-seven U.S. adults (15%) provide unpaid care of some kind to another adult, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis .

Read Adult caregiving is very meaningful by those who do it.

When pigs can fly.

Caregiving is not all doom and gloom. Often unexpected hilarious things happen. Funny things help us get through our day.

Read When pigs can fly.

As my parents get older, I need to…

Let’s all make the effort to express our love to our parents and appreciate them while we can.

Read As my parents get older, I need to…

Estate planning IS for everyone.

Did you know that there can be more than 70 individual tasks associated with settling an estate?

Read Estate planning IS for everyone.