Female caregivers suffer from more sleep problems than male counterparts
For people who are in the workforce already, the added burden of unpaid caregiving for a family member or loved one may lead to insomnia and other sleep issues.
Read Female caregivers suffer from more sleep problems than male counterparts
U.S. Pays Billions for ‘Assisted Living,’ but What Does It Get?
WASHINGTON — Federal investigators say they have found huge gaps in the regulation of assisted living facilities, a shortfall that they say has potentially jeopardized the care of hundreds of thousands of people served by the booming industry.
Read U.S. Pays Billions for ‘Assisted Living,’ but What Does It Get?
For Dementia Caregivers, Going it Alone is Not an Option
National Caregivers Alliance estimates that up to 70 per cent of caregivers have significant symptoms of depression.
Read For Dementia Caregivers, Going it Alone is Not an Option
What does the future hold for the war on Alzheimer’s?
January is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. Learn what the future hold’s for Alzheimer’s research and treatment.
The Real Reason Women Are Working Less
One quarter of older women are caregivers, and it’s taking a toll on their work lives.
In this recipe, the essence of the caregiver is kept aside, similar to the starter in sour dough bread. This ‘starter’ will be needed to make and re-make the caregiver into different shapes and sizes as needs for her or him arise.
A radio interview worth listening to.
Important caregiving tips for all to know and use are on this radio interview.
A Study Of Family Caregiver Burden And The Imperative Of Practice Change To Address Family Caregivers’ Unmet Needs
Despite the fact that the physical and emotional toll on family caregivers is well-documented, little has been done to integrate caregiver support into the routine care of dementia patients, a US publication notes.
The Estate Planning Project Video #3: Sibling Estate Fights.
Charles Ticker, Estate Litigation Lawyer and Mediator spoke of real life cases where adult children sue each other, often for years. This is a very interesting video, well worth watching.
Read The Estate Planning Project Video #3: Sibling Estate Fights.
When Sandwich Generation Siblings Become Caregivers Together.
Learn how to work with your siblings when caring for an aging parent.
Read When Sandwich Generation Siblings Become Caregivers Together.