Decisions, decisions.
Mary Bart shares tips for making better, faster and safer caregiving choices.
Calling All Older Internet Users: Workshop Video #4
Jim Courtney, our workshop instructor talks about “Protecting Your Information”.
The Rights of Residents in Retirement Homes and Long-Term Care Homes.
Do you have a loved one currently or planning to move into a LTC or a retirement home in Ontario? If so, you need to read this article.
Read The Rights of Residents in Retirement Homes and Long-Term Care Homes.
Little-known tax breaks for seniors and their families.
Are you taking advantage of these tax breaks?
Read Little-known tax breaks for seniors and their families.
Do Personal Support Workers & Caregivers Owe Fiduciary Duties To The Individuals They Take Care Of?
A recent Ontario Superior Court decision rules that personal support workers and caregivers may owe fiduciary responsibilities to the individuals they care for.
Calling All Older Internet Users: Workshop Video #3
Don’t get left behind. Watch our video series about learning more about using the Internet.
How one family caregiver used grief to reinvent self & help society
Mary identified a need in the current market and sought to fill it with her expertise. In 2008, coupling her 18-year professional technology background with a recent decade of personal, hands-on caregiving experience, she founded Caregiving Matters.
Read How one family caregiver used grief to reinvent self & help society
Calling All Older Internet Users: Workshop Video #2.
We are pleased to promote our second workshop helping older adults learn more about the Internet.
Caring for Individuals with Vision Loss and Dementia.
Careiving can be more complicated when dealing with multiple health issues.
A Power of Attorney fight to end a marriage.
Adult children are acting on behalf of their father to divorce his second wife.