A New Framework for Improving Supports to Caregivers.
This framework illustrates that there is so much more that we can do to identify, recognize and support caregivers.
Visit Us on Friday at the Caregiver Show
Visit us at the 2017 Caregiver Show on Friday, June 9, from 10am- 5pm, inside the Ontario Science Centre.
Elder Care Takes a Village – Meet Silver Sherpa!
Helping Canadians age as successfully as possible.
Elder Planning Issues Conference: Caregiving Matters Chair Speaks Tomorrow
Caregiving Matters Chair Mary Bart speaks about The Estate Planning Project on Tuesday, June 6, 2017, at the Four Points by Sheraton Fallsview.
Read Elder Planning Issues Conference: Caregiving Matters Chair Speaks Tomorrow
Knowledge: The Inheritors’ Perspective
Education is the key to maximizing the chance to leave a lasting legacy.
“Hidden issues of second, third marriages and also divorce podcast” gets national exposure.
Ever thought of what a second marriage or a divorce can do to your estate?
Read “Hidden issues of second, third marriages and also divorce podcast” gets national exposure.
The Toronto Challenge – Improving the quality of life for seniors
For over 25 years, the Toronto Challenge has been bringing together participants from all ages and abilities to raise funds for non-profit organizations that are improving the quality of life for seniors in your community.
Read The Toronto Challenge – Improving the quality of life for seniors
Family caregivers do 70% of the care to seniors in a home setting.
Successful aging at home requires planning.
Read Family caregivers do 70% of the care to seniors in a home setting.
Caring for the Caregiver : Align
Lessons from the ancient book of wisdom; The Tao Te Ching: Verse Forty-One