Canadian Mental Health Association offers free family caregivers education program
Michael Gabriele from the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) talks about the organization’s caregivers education program which is dear to his heart.
Read Canadian Mental Health Association offers free family caregivers education program
Spouses of critically ill patients face deadly stress
According to the Canadian Medical Association Journal, close friends and family caregivers are at high risk of becoming ill and even dying.
Halifax exhibit features artwork created by people with dementia & their caregivers
The latest exhibit at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia (AGNS) will for the first time feature artwork created by people with dementia and their caregivers.
Read Halifax exhibit features artwork created by people with dementia & their caregivers
Rundown of CHATS support services for seniors in York Region & South Simcoe
Watch this video to learn about the wide variety of community and home assistance programs CHATS offers to seniors in the York Region and South Simcoe area.
Read Rundown of CHATS support services for seniors in York Region & South Simcoe
Caring for the Caregiver: Honour Your Gift of an Awakened Heart
Lao Tzu says this about caregivers: “The more they assist others, the more they possess. The more they give to others, the more they gain.”
Read Caring for the Caregiver: Honour Your Gift of an Awakened Heart
Caregivers sporting a five o’ clock shadow
It should come as no surprise that half of Canada’s caregivers have “five o’ clock shadows,” thanks in part to demographic and social changes including greater geographic distances of families, increased life expectancies, changing economic situations, smaller families, and shifts in traditional gender roles. Caregiving Matters Chair Mary Bart explores the topic of male caregivers.
Exclusive Video: Taking care of self, while caring for others
In this video, health and wellness expert Marlene George shares valuable information, strategies and tools for caregivers to maintain their health while tending to the needs of others.
Read Exclusive Video: Taking care of self, while caring for others
Caregiving from Afar: How to Help When You Can’t Be There
Whether it’s your parent, child, relative or friend, there are ways to lend a caring hand even from a distance.
Read Caregiving from Afar: How to Help When You Can’t Be There
Estate Planning 101
Let’s take a look at some key estate planning basics to launch our new project.