How We Spend Our Health Care Dollars As We Age.
Whether in Canada or the USA, care costs are high, as we age.
Passing of Accounts: A Math Problem Explained
Math often comes into play in an estates litigation practice, particularly in the context of a contested passing of accounts.
Furnishing a room in Assisted Living.
The room set up will change as their needs and issues change.
Having “The Talk” Making plans for life.
Estate planning is about the life of your family and loved ones.
Seniors with dementia eased into dental care
Compassion and extra care go a long way to make people with dementia comfortable at the dentist.
Caregiving Tips With a Humorous Twist From Bestselling Author Jane Heller.
I think humor helps, period. I think it certainly keeps me balanced.
Read Caregiving Tips With a Humorous Twist From Bestselling Author Jane Heller.
A Little Care is Great – Too Much is Toxic
As we age, high levels of caregiving are actually bad for our health.
Without laughter, all is lost
Jann Arden shares a deeply personal story about ‘home’ and her aging father
When does a bath become a necessity?
How many times a week should a nursing home patient get a bath?
The Nursing Home Where College Students and Retirees Co-Habitate.
The college students and the retirees have become so close that they often act as though they are friends from a past life.
Read The Nursing Home Where College Students and Retirees Co-Habitate.