Safely using the stove

Using the stove is becoming a problem for my sister. Recently, the home care worker found several blackened pots on the stove. What can I do?

Read Safely using the stove

My thick headed brother.

My brother thinks that I am overreacting to my Dad’s situation. How can I get it through my brother’s thick head that Dad needs more care?

Read My thick headed brother.

Diversity in Caregiving Workshops Wrap Up

Thanks to funding by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, we brought people from different cultures, religions and races together to celebrate the cultural similarities and diversities of family caregiving.

Read Diversity in Caregiving Workshops Wrap Up

Encouraging Dad to be active

I encourage my dad to stay active, but he’d rather sit at home and watch TV. I just bought him a walker to help him get out, but he won’t use it. How can I encourage him to use it?

Read Encouraging Dad to be active

“What? You are going there again?”

My husband gets sick of me talking about taking care of my parents. I am trying to please everyone, but I am so unhappy and nothing is working.

Read “What? You are going there again?”

Long Distant Dying

My mother-in-law is dying of cancer. Her POA has decided to make his own life easier by picking a place in their small town for her to go into a long term care facility.

Read Long Distant Dying

Workshop: Celebrating Diversity in Family Caregiving

Join us as we host a 2 day event to celebrate the diversities in family caregiving. Using a “peer support model” afternoon workshops will be conducted for family caregivers, their families and others who are interested in learning and sharing life experiences by exploring and celebrating the cultural similarities and diversities of family caregiving. Family…

Read Workshop: Celebrating Diversity in Family Caregiving

Allison Hunt gets (a new) hip

When Allison Hunt found out that she needed a new hip — and that Canada’s national health care system would require her to spend nearly 2 years on a waiting list (and in pain) — she took matters into her own hands.

Read Allison Hunt gets (a new) hip

Diabetes and leg tingling

My uncle, who has diabetes, has recently been complaining of tingling in his lower legs. I’ve heard that many people who have diabetes eventually need their legs amputated. Will this happen to him?

Read Diabetes and leg tingling

Difference between a cold and a stomach flu?

What’s the difference between a cold and a stomach flu?

Read Difference between a cold and a stomach flu?