Dad’s New Girlfriend

My Mom died 4 years ago and my Dad has been very lost without her. He is now dating a woman that none of us like. My Dad does not have alot of money, but we think she is a gold digger. I am afraid he will marry her and then give her everything – including his house.


Read Dad’s New Girlfriend

Jealous Husband

Can you believe it? My husband is jealous of my mother. He tells me that I spend too much time with her, do too much for her and never enough for him.

Stretched to the Limit

Read Jealous Husband

Waltzing Into Town

My brother and sister-in-law arrive in two days for the holidays. They bring lots of gifts and act like guests. Neither one does much to help my Dad while they are here. Most of the care giving is still done by me. I am sick and tired of them doing virtually nothing. What should I do?


Read Waltzing Into Town

Stupid Death Rituals

My Mom’s funeral is in 4 days. I feel so sad, so lost and overwhelmed by the details. I have told my family that most of the arrangements seem excessive, a huge waste of money and make me very uncomfortable. What else can I do?


Read Stupid Death Rituals

I Miss My Dad

It has been over 9 years since my Dad died, and it still hurts. I wish he were here. I miss him every day.


Read I Miss My Dad

Grandma has Dementia

I am going next week to see my grandmother. She has Dementia and does not remember me and really does not say much. I really do not expect to have a great time with her, but would like to see her again. Do you have any suggestions about my upcoming visit?


Read Grandma has Dementia

Fighting at the Funeral

My father-in-law has just died and the planning for the funeral is well underway. There is alot of tension between my sister-in-law and me that right now. Going to the funeral will only make things worse between us. I am sure we will get into a fight. Do I have to go to the funeral?


Read Fighting at the Funeral

Productive Doctor Appointments

My Dad has asked me to attend all of his medical appointments. He has had a stroke, his mind is still sharp but his body is not. There are many questions that I would like to ask the doctor, but feel very uncomfortable asking them, with my Dad in the room. Do you have any suggestions?



Read Productive Doctor Appointments

Dealing with guilt

Dear Mary,

My Mother has had a stroke and is in a nursing home, my Dad lives with us and is starting to have memory issues. My husband and kids don’t understand that I am stressed, and my boss is getting tired of me taking time off to take my Dad to his medical appointments. I feel guilty about everything!


Read Dealing with guilt