Never Alone.

Most important: keep your disposition sunny.

Read Never Alone.

How one family caregiver used grief to reinvent self & help society

Mary identified a need in the current market and sought to fill it with her expertise. In 2008, coupling her 18-year professional technology background with a recent decade of personal, hands-on caregiving experience, she founded Caregiving Matters.

Read How one family caregiver used grief to reinvent self & help society

Caregivers sporting a five o’ clock shadow

It should come as no surprise that half of Canada’s caregivers have “five o’ clock shadows,” thanks in part to demographic and social changes including greater geographic distances of families, increased life expectancies, changing economic situations, smaller families, and shifts in traditional gender roles. Caregiving Matters Chair Mary Bart explores the topic of male caregivers.

Read Caregivers sporting a five o’ clock shadow

The burden of caregiving on a recipient

Writer Paul Lima shares his candid thoughts on being a caregiving recipient and the effect it has had on his partner and their lives.

Read The burden of caregiving on a recipient

Feeling Used and Abused

What would she do if you did not live close by? It would be all on her shoulders to manage won’t it?

Read Feeling Used and Abused

Workplace Wellness

Many people are sandwiched between work responsibilities, caring for their family, and caring for an ill or aging family member. Balancing these responsibilities is truly a juggling act. Learn how our Workplace Wellness program can help!

Read Workplace Wellness

THE VULTURE GENERATION: How to Stop Power of Attorney Abuse

The elderly and infirm routinely delegate control of their finances to family members but more and more Canadians are abusing that power. Can our aging population trust its own children?

Read THE VULTURE GENERATION: How to Stop Power of Attorney Abuse