60 tips for caregivers

Need some tips as a caregiver?

Read 60 tips for caregivers

Dealing with Stress as a Caregiver

It is important that while caregiving for others you find time to care for yourself

Read Dealing with Stress as a Caregiver

Historic breakthrough: using ultrasound to treat Alzheimer’s.

An historic breakthrough Alzheimer patients and their families around the wold have been awaiting.

Read Historic breakthrough: using ultrasound to treat Alzheimer’s.

51 Tips to Help You Live Well With Dementia.

Those living with dementia can continue to lead a life full of routine and normality.

Read 51 Tips to Help You Live Well With Dementia.

Powerful words about Dementia

A quick snap shot through the Dementia journey.

Read Powerful words about Dementia

Reducing dementia risks: WHO has new guidelines.

With about 10 million new cases each year, this is a disease that everyone should learn about.

Read Reducing dementia risks: WHO has new guidelines.

The value of music and Dementia.

Music and singing help families connect with loved ones with Dementia.

Read The value of music and Dementia.

A Palliative Approach to Care for Persons with Dementia.

A palliative approach refers to care that focuses on quality-of-life, smooth transitions and whole-person care for the person with dementia and their family.

Read A Palliative Approach to Care for Persons with Dementia.

Things People With Dementia Say: Common Phrases and How to Reply

Communicating with someone who has dementia can be exceedingly difficult.

Read Things People With Dementia Say: Common Phrases and How to Reply

What They Don’t tell You About Dementia.

Now go enjoy life – Live, Love and figure out how to make adjustments to over come your obstacles.

Read What They Don’t tell You About Dementia.