I’m Still Here

Hello, I’m still here! But this time here means I am home! And I will be here for almost three months!

Read I’m Still Here

Managing a hospital visit

For most members of the public, a trip to the hospital is like being thrust into a foreign country without the guidebook! We don’t know the language, are dependent on the healthcare professionals and just hope for the best.

Read Managing a hospital visit

An excerpt from Alzheimer’s from the Inside Out

I race up and down the corridors of my mind, frantically seeking to make sense of what’s going on around me. Sometimes this process makes me even more lost, and I become lost about why I am lost!

Read An excerpt from Alzheimer’s from the Inside Out

Whole and Complete

In the eyes of many others, sometimes even the eyes of care-partners, I am seen as less than a complete someone.

Read Whole and Complete

Richard’s call to ACTION

Stand up! Speak Up! Do not victimize yourself with your own silence.

Read Richard’s call to ACTION

Dr. Richard Taylor’s Journey with Dementia

I am Richard Taylor – a person who has been living with the symptoms of dementia for more than eight years.

Read Dr. Richard Taylor’s Journey with Dementia

Day by Day

As each hour passes day by day,
Sometimes struggling what to say,
Fog and clouds inside my head,
Cannot speak what should be said

Read Day by Day

Help me Remember

So will you help me, remember when?
Time`s were good, way back then

Read Help me Remember

Hear My Cries

Voice`s fading, not through age,
Dementia building it`s sound proof cage,
Listening in but nothing out,
Unable to talk but able to shout

Read Hear My Cries

In Two Minds

I am so angry!!! Not at anybody else, or at myself but at this Dammed Disease!! Whilst I was looking through some computer pics and old postings (something I do regular to remind me hopefully loll) I come to realise I have become two people!! Please stay with me on this as I will try to explain what I feel.

Read In Two Minds