A Palliative Approach to Care for Persons with Dementia.

A palliative approach refers to care that focuses on quality-of-life, smooth transitions and whole-person care for the person with dementia and their family.

Read A Palliative Approach to Care for Persons with Dementia.

Risks of living alone Part 5 of 7.

Living alone has many benefits, but there are risks to this life style too.

Read Risks of living alone Part 5 of 7.

Things People With Dementia Say: Common Phrases and How to Reply

Communicating with someone who has dementia can be exceedingly difficult.

Read Things People With Dementia Say: Common Phrases and How to Reply

What They Don’t tell You About Dementia.

Now go enjoy life – Live, Love and figure out how to make adjustments to over come your obstacles.

Read What They Don’t tell You About Dementia.

Old before your time? Scientists have put together five warning signs middle-aged people will suffer from frailness in retirement

‘Frailty should not be seen as an inevitable part of getting old. By taking steps to ensure we are healthy going in to middle age, we can avoid getting on the path to a frail old age.’

Read Old before your time? Scientists have put together five warning signs middle-aged people will suffer from frailness in retirement

How Exercise Might “Clean” the Alzheimer’s Brain

Engaging in physical activity can be restorative for those living with Alzheimer’s disease.

Read How Exercise Might “Clean” the Alzheimer’s Brain

Half of older patients exposed to potentially inappropriate prescribing.

Better coordination of care needed to reduce avoidable medication related harm.

Read Half of older patients exposed to potentially inappropriate prescribing.

Five-minute neck scan can spot dementia 10 years earlier, say scientists.

Would you want to know?

Read Five-minute neck scan can spot dementia 10 years earlier, say scientists.

When pigs can fly.

Caregiving is not all doom and gloom. Often unexpected hilarious things happen. Funny things help us get through our day.

Read When pigs can fly.

How to spot the signs of Alzheimer’s in your friends and loved ones.

Knowing some of the warning signs, will help you plan and be prepared to deal with this disease.

Read How to spot the signs of Alzheimer’s in your friends and loved ones.