Louise’s Story

When Louise’s daughter began struggling with heavy drug use in grade 9, Louise faced the painful realization that she needed to take drastic action for her daughter’s well-being. She made the difficult but necessary decision to send her daughter away to receive treatment. Meanwhile she underwent her own rehabilitation and took time to learn how…

Read Louise’s Story

Caregivers in the Wild:  A new series

In our hyper-connected world family caregivers rarely get away from it all. Fortunately, Canada still has vast stretches of wilderness that can allow caregivers to truly take a break.

Read Caregivers in the Wild:  A new series

Caregivers in the Wild: An award-winning video series.

This award-winning series follows 13 family caregivers as they explore both their caregiving experiences and the beautiful wilderness of Western Canada.

Read Caregivers in the Wild: An award-winning video series.

The Benefits of using a Community Based Pharmacy

Quality personal customer service is a great reason to use pharmacies.

Read The Benefits of using a Community Based Pharmacy

Yoga for Beginners: A Guide for Caregivers

You can provide others with the best care possible by looking after your own well-being first.

Read Yoga for Beginners: A Guide for Caregivers

Assessing Caregiver Wellness.

The delivery of care is causing great social isolation and added stress to caregivers.

Read Assessing Caregiver Wellness.

Ontario LTC– A Sh-t Storm of horrific news.

The residents and their families deserve better.  Shame on those who have let this happen.

Read Ontario LTC– A Sh-t Storm of horrific news.

Let’s be honest. It’s elder abuse.

“If you’re angry, frustrated, scared, you’re right to feel this way. We can do better. We need to do better. Because we are failing our parents, our grandparents, our elders.” Prime Minister Trudeau.

Read Let’s be honest. It’s elder abuse.

New stats on Canadian Caregivers

In 2018, 25% of Canadians (or 7.8 million), provided care to a family member or a friend with a long-term, physical or mental disability or problems related to aging.

Read New stats on Canadian Caregivers

Announcing Our FREE Workshop: “Navigating Loss. It’s not just about death”.

Please join us, after all, what do you have to lose?

Read Announcing Our FREE Workshop: “Navigating Loss. It’s not just about death”.