Caregiver Show – York Region.
At the show, our Chair, Mary Bart will be a key-note speaker. Her topic is:
“A Practical Perspective on Family Caregiving”.
Mindfulness for Everyone. Free GTA July Workshops.
These workshops are ideal for caregivers to attend with their family member who has dementia.
Technologies are changing how we age and die.
What role can technologies play in aging well and dying with dignity? Read what this article has to say.
Single? No Kids? How to Plan Care in Your Later Years
Being pro-active about aging well alone is an important issue.
Ontario Caregiver Day
Our goal is to raise awareness of the important role family caregivers play in our health care system, our communities and our families.
Laughter as the Best Medicine for Caregivers
It is often hard to bring humor into caregiving. Yet the benefits of laughing can be as good as spending forty-five minutes on the treadmill.
Caring for the Caregiver : Align
Lessons from the ancient book of wisdom; The Tao Te Ching: Verse Forty-One
See you at the Caregiver Show
Drop by our booth at the upcoming Caregiver Show.
Caregivers are featured in the Toronto Sun
Meet two of Toronto’s caregivers.
Using family caregivng to get your dream job.
How can we convince employers that our skills are transferrable to the workplace after our caregiving roles have ended?