Caring for the Caregiver: Begin to Flow

Having the courage to decide that it is time to change the way you think signals growth.

Read Caring for the Caregiver: Begin to Flow


Does this message reflect how you think about your Mother?

Read Mom

Malnourished senior concerns raised at Legislature

The children of a Regina senior believe their mother died prematurely last year at least in part because of the treatment she received in a long-term care home.

Read Malnourished senior concerns raised at Legislature

For Blubrry

Hi Mike, We really DO own Honest! Opal

Read For Blubrry

Ten pearls of wisdom, for all ages

One of the many definitions of wisdom is “the quality of having experience, knowledge and good judgment.” Note that there is no mention of age as a prerequisite!

Read Ten pearls of wisdom, for all ages

Meet Patricia Harman

Patricia is the author of The Blue Cotton Gown: A Midwife’s Memoir and Arms Wide Open: A Midwife’s Journey, as the author interviews herself!

Read Meet Patricia Harman