Chris Kata, one of “Caregiving Matters” Board of Directors was the Key Note Speaker at the recent Ontario Volunteer Service Awards in March 2014. We are thrilled that the Ontario government selected our charity for this important event. Chris was the Key Note Speaker for all three of the awards evenings.
Chris spoke about our charity, why he volunteers and how his life experiences helped shape his desire to want to give back to society.

Chris Kata is Chief Innovation Officer for Axiom Real-Time Metrics where he looks after all new product development initiatives. Designing software solutions and user interfaces, especially when the systems integration proves to be challenging, Chris has over 16 years of complex e-business, e-commerce application design, project management, and internet marketing experience.
As a volunteer, Chris oversees and advises on all the technical aspects of Caregiving Matters, an innovative internet-based charity located in King Township. Caregiving Matters offers programs, resources, education and support to family caregivers and others who are dealing with the declining health or death of loved ones. Board members at Caregiving Matters say that Chris is an amazing volunteer and that they do not know what they would do without him.
Congratulations Chris: You look great and truly deserved to be there giving the Key Notes!
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