Come to our “Volunteer Recruitment Fair – For agencies supporting seniors.

Our latest government funded project is all about building community, encouraging volunteerism and supporting seniors.  In King City, on Saturday Oct. 19th, Caregiving Matters will host a “Volunteer Recruitment Fair – For Agencies Supporting Seniors.”  Groups such as; The Alzheimer Society of York Region, CHATS, Routes, and others will have table top displays showcasing their volunteering opportunities.  To further extend the reach and sustainability of our project, we will produce custom videos of each agency talking about their volunteering opportunities and film some of their volunteers giving testimonials about what volunteering means to them.  These videos will be given to each agency as recruitment tools for their websites.  Here is a link to our project on our site:


If you are thinking of volunteering, please drop by.  Volunteering is a great way to give back to society.

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