Predatory Marriages with Seniors

Steven BenorBenmor Transcript

Predatory marriages of seniors is a very real and important topic in our society today. Lawyer Steven Benmor helps us understand some of the complicated and stressful issues that families face. This is an emotional-packed topic that we should all be more aware of.

Steven’s insights shed some light on this issue and helps us better understand how the laws in Ontario deal with these situations. During our conversation, we talk about:

  1. How are rights changed because of marriage?
  2. How are rights changed because of separation?
  3. How are right changed because of divorce?
  4. What is a Power of Attorney and how does that interplay with a Will?
  5. Can anyone get married in Canada…immigrant, same sex, terminally ill, incapable?
  6. What does marriage do to a Will?
  7. What is a Predatory Marriage?
  8. What is the law in Ontario to prevent Predatory Marriages?

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