Safety & Lifestyle Articles For Seniors.

In addition to the live Zoom workshop hosted by Mary Bart, Chair of Caregiving Matters, we are posting a few of her articles that she wrote for the Canadian quarterly magazine called Caregiver Solutions.  Happy reading.


Here are links to a few of her articles that look in depth at a variety of safety and lifestyle issues for seniors.


  1. The tale of Mom’s Jars.

An in-depth look at how to keep people with dementia safe and happy at home.




  1. Benefits of self-care

How and why to improve our appearance and to “clean up our act”



  1. Deadly crossings: Keeping older adults safer

A detailed look and practical tips to stay while out in the community.



  1. Taking a second look at out of town life

This article looks at rural living for seniors.  It is a life not for sissies



  1. Cannabis Country

Is cannabis right for you?  This article brings insights and testimonials from those who are benefiting from cannabis.



  1. The Risks and Realities of Drinking

It’s five o’clock somewhere but drinking as we age is not a good thing.



  1. I’m Doing It My Way

This article looks at the dangers and benefits of living alone as we get older.



Here is a seven part series about living alone as we get older.  There are many safety tips in each article.

  1. Top Risks of Living Alone…Part 1-7


  1. Top Risks of Living Alone…Part 2-7


  1. Top Risks of Living Alone…Part 3-7


  1. Top Risks of Living Alone…Part 4-7


  1. Top Risks of Living Alone…Part 5-7


  1. Top Risks of Living Alone…Part 6-7


  1. Top Risks of Living Alone…Part 7-7


  1. Safety First – A Guide to being safe in the Spring/Summer


  1. You’ve Got a Friend

This article explores how important it is to stay socially engaged and connected to friends.




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