Ontario Caregiver Day
Our goal is to raise awareness of the important role family caregivers play in our health care system, our communities and our families.
Let’s be kinder to people using wheelchair parking spots.
If you are driving a car and you have a choice between a van accessible spot and a regular accessible spot, please don’t use the van spot. What people also don’t realize is that those parking lines are for a ramp and/or for wheelchair users to transfer.
Read Let’s be kinder to people using wheelchair parking spots.
When you cannot be a caregiver anymore.
As much as we would like to continue caring for a loved one, sometimes we know that it just cannot continue.
Caring for the Caregiver: The Essence of Warriorship
Search deep within yourself and find the courage to make the right choices and never look back.
3 Mobile Apps That Are Making Caring for Seniors Easier
The introduction of app technology into a traditional field like senior care has made a tremendous impact on a caregiver’s ability to do their job.
Read 3 Mobile Apps That Are Making Caring for Seniors Easier
Integrating caregivers in health planning can assist in managing chronic diseases
Read about how family caregivers often play a key role in the delivery of health care services.
Read Integrating caregivers in health planning can assist in managing chronic diseases
Do you know what self-directed care is?
“In contrast to conventional home care programs in which care is managed and delivered by professionals or agencies on behalf of the client, in self managed programs the client takes a more active and central role both in defining needs and in determining how those needs should be met,”
One quarter of older American women are caregivers, and it’s taking its toll on their work lives.
Caregiving can be a full-time job in itself, between meals, appointments, organizational tasks and providing company and support. Balancing this emotionally and physically taxing work on top of another job is no easy feat.
Caregivers: how do you use the internet to stay connected to family, friends, and society?
Participants Needed for a Research Study! You will receive a $30 Gift Certificate as a thank you for participating.
Read Caregivers: how do you use the internet to stay connected to family, friends, and society?
Palliative Care: Why the world needs to get ready for more people dying.
Improving end of life care is a global challenge, made more urgent by ageing populations.
Read Palliative Care: Why the world needs to get ready for more people dying.