A helping hand
I retired to become my mother’s primary caregiver. After five years, when she lost her battle with cancer, it was a difficult period.
Fries with that Will? Part Eight
Do you really want your children deciding, without any safeguards at all, when they should move you into a retirement villa?
Fries with that Will? Part Seven
The requirement that the Attorney be capable with respect to the decision to be made is only sensible.
Birds of a feather
My Aunt Betty came to live with me when she found it hard to manage on her own. She had never married because she had been her elderly parents’ caregiver.
Do you know a family caregiver?
Everyone is welcomed to attend our upcoming workshop!
A wicked sense of humour
My granny and I were very close. I loved how her feisty attitude and quick wit made everything fun.
Driving Me Crazy
I am so worried for my Dad. He is 83 and still driving. How can I persuade him to give up driving? It would be safer for him and everyone in his town.
Fries with that Will? Part Six
Unlike Powers of Attorney for Property, a POA does not grant “continuing” authority.
Lifts and transfers: Thoughts for caregivers
When the person you care for is unable to easily move from the bed to the chair, or on to another surface, you may be asked to provide assistance. This can be a high-risk activity.
My silver-haired dad
My father was a bachelor until he met my mother, who was much younger than him, at quite a late age. They married and I was born a year later.