Ontario announces $1 billion to expand home care.
The Ontario government is investing $1 billion + over the next three years to expand home care.
An aging population worries about accessibility
As our population grows older, millions of Canadians find themselves worrying about decreased mobility, vision and hearing, and the impact these may have on their own lives or those of loved ones.
The Doctor Will See You Now – At Home
There could be a better system for delivering care in the community – one in which the home is the examining room.
Selling your parent’s home.
It’s emotional, time-consuming and closes a chapter in your life.
7 tips for safe gardening
I can’t claim to have a green thumb. But what I can share are occupational therapy-based tips and tricks to help you stay safe while digging in with passion.
When Caregiving Calls – A New Guide for Care
Dr. Aaron Blight describes his caregiving journey and shares his new book in an interview on The Caregivers’ Living Room.
Alzheimer’s Disease and the Aftermath
Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s and knowing when to ask for help.
Volunteers needed for an important research project about informal cancer caregivers.
Take this 30 minute on-line survey. This research will help many.
Read Volunteers needed for an important research project about informal cancer caregivers.