Budgeting for care.

Rarely do people plan for their care or how it will be funded. 

Read Budgeting for care.

Are you picking the best Executor for your estate? It might not be a family member.

Here are 3 important estate planning tips to know.

Read Are you picking the best Executor for your estate? It might not be a family member.

Disability Planning for My Child: How to Begin Now

“No family should be alone in this process”, says Maier. A financial advisor may be the help you need.

Read Disability Planning for My Child: How to Begin Now

Two DIY courses to learn about some Ontario health laws.

Now is your chance to learn more about “Statutory Guardianship” and “Family Caregiver Rights” in Ontario.

Read Two DIY courses to learn about some Ontario health laws.

The unmet needs of caregiveres.

Who cares for the caregiver?

Read The unmet needs of caregiveres.

Man with dementia dies with medical assistance.

“This is not an expansion of our law … This is a maturing of the understanding of what we’re doing.”
— Dr. Stefanie Green

Read Man with dementia dies with medical assistance.

Fix Ontario’s broken elder-care rules: Editorial: The Toronto Star

The Law Commission of Ontario has issued excellent recommendations for making elder-care rules more rational and relevant. Queen’s Park should listen.

Read Fix Ontario’s broken elder-care rules: Editorial: The Toronto Star

What to do when a loved one dies.

Although not a cheery topic for this time of year, it is unfortunately an important one to know about.

Read What to do when a loved one dies.

I’m a full-time caregiver for my father — don’t I deserve more money than my siblings?

This man says his sister is ‘money hungry’ and believes he has given up a lot to be a caregiver.

Read I’m a full-time caregiver for my father — don’t I deserve more money than my siblings?

The ABC’s of caregiving to seniors workshop videos.

Did you miss our workshop? No worries, we filmed it. Our videos are now on our site.

Read The ABC’s of caregiving to seniors workshop videos.