Not Invited AGAIN.
Well it happened again this year. My sister and my parents got together for Easter Brunch today and I was not invited AGAIN!
I cannot tell you how many times that they have planned things and not even bothered to ask if I would like to be included. It’s as if I am not part of the family. It really hurts me that they either don’t want me around or they just have forgotten to ask me. What should I do?
Attention: Canadian Lawyers
Want to volunteer on-line? We are looking for a Canadian lawyer to join our “Content Review Committee”. This position will help us review my draft answers in our “Dear Mary” section of our web site, prior to posting them live. “Losing Our Parents” is an Internet-based registered Canadian charity, offering education and support to people…
How many hours of care?
How many hours of care does my dad need? He’s 80 years old, lives alone and has trouble cooking his own meals and bathing.
JOSEPHINE’S STORY: Caring so much
After her diagnosis of dementia, Josephine couldn’t live alone anymore.
How do I get homecare for my Aunt?
My aunt was recently discharged from the hospital and received homecare for a few days. It really helped her and I’d like to arrange more. Would she qualify and who do I call?
Welcome to my world
I have the major caregiver to both my parents for 14 years. My father died in 2000 and I have been looking after mom ever since. She had open heart surgery at the age of 85, she had a significant personality change. I also have a mentally challenged sister who has just been diagnosed with a rare lymphoma. To make matters worse, my brother, the alcoholic play boy has been diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. He has nothing to lose so he tried to sell my mothers’ land and he will not pay for the farm land that is in her name.
I am enduring power of attorney and he has legal charged me of changing my mother’s will, spending too much on her clothing and hair, and he thinks that I should not help our sister financially. So for the past 3 years, I have had to produce a receipt if I buy mom magazines, tips to the hair dresser etc. I am a 63 year old retired nurse living on a pension. The extra out of pocket money is mounting, because I need to produce financial spreadsheets etc. If mom passes, I just want to run away and work relief projects in Haiti or Bosnia wherever. My family thinks I am losing it. I have been the most responsible daughter and sister etc for years. I am dancing a daily ” jig” between resentment and guilt. What suggestions do you have? Am I too old to have a mid life crisis.
Thanks, Marilyn
Richard’s call to ACTION
Stand up! Speak Up! Do not victimize yourself with your own silence.
Selling Mom’s Condo
My brother and I have not talked in about 16 years and I noticed that he is selling her condo. I was reading the local paper and her condo is listed with real estate company. Mom has been in a nursing home for years and my brother is her POA.
Since I did not know that he is selling her place, when should I get my share?
Getting Dad to specialist appointments
How can I arrange for someone to take my father to specialist appointments?
JESSICA’S STORY: A trip to the movies
Grandma hasn’t really been out much since my grandpa moved to a nursing home to recover from surgery.