Jealous Husband

Can you believe it? My husband is jealous of my mother. He tells me that I spend too much time with her, do too much for her and never enough for him.

Stretched to the Limit

Read Jealous Husband

How does care differ between palliative care options?

We’re looking at palliative care options for my dad, who has terminal cancer. How does care differ between the hospital, a hospice and a home?

Read How does care differ between palliative care options?

10 Ways to Help a Suddenly-Single Parent

After a parent passes away, a surviving parent will need as much support as possible. Here are 10 areas in which you can help your parent.

Read 10 Ways to Help a Suddenly-Single Parent

The Executor’s Companion

This comprehensive kit was designed to help you through the process of funeral preplanning, choosing an executor, and preparing the information about your estate for your executor. It’s what I call “Leaving a Loving Legacy” for your family and friends. But perhaps you’ll recognize it as a way of answering the question that people know…

Read The Executor’s Companion

HILDA’S STORY: Back on track

Hilda, 91-years-old, can’t see as well as she used to, but nothing got by her, until she stumbled at home. During a routine follow-up, her doctor found that Hilda had diabetes.

Read HILDA’S STORY: Back on track

Alzheimer`s On Christmas Day

I have nine grandchildren, two of which live in Australia, one who still lives in the north of England, and six who were in the same front room as me on Christmas day. Can you imagine how hard it is sitting there watching your grandchildren, both young and old run riot, when you know that there is such a good chance you are going to forget all of these happy faces?

Read Alzheimer`s On Christmas Day

Helping my Uncle Manage

My aunt recently died and my uncle is now living on his own in another city and not managing too well. He’s never cooked, done laundry or housework. Is there someone I can call who can teach him or help him each day?

Read Helping my Uncle Manage

ZARA’S STORY: Pet power

My husband and I moved to Canada from Greece just over 23 years ago. Despite our pleading, my parents chose to stay back home. Everything was great, until two years ago, when my father died from a stroke.

Read ZARA’S STORY: Pet power

Hiring Respite Care without Guilt

I love my husband very much, but I need to take some time for myself. How can I explain to him that I’ve hired respite care without him thinking he’s a burden?

Read Hiring Respite Care without Guilt

Nutrition and the Elderly

Most health-conscious baby boomers do their best to maintain a healthy body by controlling calories and eating a well-balanced diet. So it would only make sense that these same practices would be continued into old age, right?

Read Nutrition and the Elderly