FREE Estate Planning Workshop
The goal for our one day event is to offer you educational workshops, opportunities to have your questions answered and connect with local estate planning experts.
Young caregivers need support as numbers grow, University of Waterloo researcher says
Young caregivers miss out on sports, school, social life and stress of role may make them sick too.
Read Young caregivers need support as numbers grow, University of Waterloo researcher says
Appreciation Can Ease Stress of Spousal Caregiving
Research consistently shows caregiving is among the most demanding roles a person can adopt. A study suggests highlighting the positive effects of their work may help caregivers reap the psychological benefits of helping others.
Men, Caregiving, and the Aftermath
Explore the dynamic of one man as caregiver to another man.
Caregiving Is Risky Business for Family Caregivers
New research from Transamerica Institute finds caregivers risking their health and finances to care for loved ones.
Changes to Probate Rules.
Probate may affect your estate plans, listen to our podcast to learn more.
Advocis Toronto Webinar Re-cap.
Advocis Members: Did you miss our live July webinar? You can hear a re-cap of it here.
September 21st is World Alzheimer’s Day
One small act can make a remarkable difference to the men and women who are impacted by dementia.
Thursday Thought: Don’t You Dare Call Us “Elderly”!
We’re Boomers. We’re alive. We’re thriving. We’re not dead yet.
We. Are. NOT. Elderly.