The 2015 Canada Cares Caregiver Awards
Five family caregivers and five professional caregivers from each region of Canada (Western/Northern, Central and Eastern) will be selected to receive a Canada Cares Caregiver Award.
Caring for the Caregiver: Look Before You Leap.
Often caregivers are overtly or covertly relied upon to get things done.
Appointing multiple people: Benefits and Pitfalls
Lisa’s comments are insightful and important about the pros and cons of appointing multiple people.
Elder Abuse Investigation.
W5 nursing home investigation reveals 1,500 cases of staff-to-resident abuse in one year.
Healthy garden, healthy body
Working in the garden is a pastime enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities. “Getting your hands dirty” is not just about having an attractive backyard or a healthy supply of vegetables, but about reaping the physical and mental health benefits as well.
When the going gets tough.
When the going gets tough may I resist my first impulse to wade in, fix, explain, resolve, and restore.
Caring for a Husband with Dementia: The Ultimate Survival Guide.
A dementia diagnosis can frighten and devastate all who are affected. When a husband is diagnosed with dementia, his wife is at risk of becoming the “hidden patient.” Sometimes the responsibilities of caring for a husband with dementia causes stress leading to caregiver burnout. Caregiving wives may feel trapped, obligated or compelled to go it…
Read Caring for a Husband with Dementia: The Ultimate Survival Guide.
Are You Protected?
Taking on the role of executor or trustee is a serious endeavor – you are a fiduciary and you owe a duty to the beneficiaries.
Won’t Stop Eating.
This may be a “fork in the road”, a new journey is beginning.
Nidus announces Free Monthly Webinars.
Are you Prepared?
For end-of-life? For incapacity? For your future?