When the going gets tough.

When the going gets tough may I resist my first impulse to wade in, fix, explain, resolve, and restore.

Read When the going gets tough.

Caring for a Husband with Dementia: The Ultimate Survival Guide.

A dementia diagnosis can frighten and devastate all who are affected. When a husband is diagnosed with dementia, his wife is at risk of becoming the “hidden patient.” Sometimes the responsibilities of caring for a husband with dementia causes stress leading to caregiver burnout. Caregiving wives may feel trapped, obligated or compelled to go it…

Read Caring for a Husband with Dementia: The Ultimate Survival Guide.

Are You Protected?

Taking on the role of executor or trustee is a serious endeavor – you are a fiduciary and you owe a duty to the beneficiaries.

Read Are You Protected?

Won’t Stop Eating.

This may be a “fork in the road”, a new journey is beginning.

Read Won’t Stop Eating.

Nidus announces Free Monthly Webinars.

Are you Prepared?
For end-of-life? For incapacity? For your future?

Read Nidus announces Free Monthly Webinars.

I’m getting older. I need to know that I will be ok.

Karen Henderson helps us understand the importance of planning and paying for long term care.

Read I’m getting older. I need to know that I will be ok.

Better process for disability tax credits.

The government wants to hear from Canadians, especially those with disabilities and their caregivers.

Read Better process for disability tax credits.

It’s tax time. Are you claiming everything?

Everything from gluten-free food to medical marijuana can be claimed as a medical expense, not just prescriptions.

Read It’s tax time. Are you claiming everything?

Biogen’s Alzheimer’s Drug Impresses in Early Trial

Treatment slows cognitive decline, shows benefit of attacking plaque on brain.

Read Biogen’s Alzheimer’s Drug Impresses in Early Trial

Toronto nursing home borrowed cash from residents’ private trust accounts

The LTC home was breaking several regulations that safeguard trust accounts.

Read Toronto nursing home borrowed cash from residents’ private trust accounts