End-of-life care: Assist your loved ones with clear instructions

The debate around assisted death is hitting a fever pitch.

Read End-of-life care: Assist your loved ones with clear instructions

How Ontario’s laws make seniors an easy target for ‘predatory marriages’

In Ontario, marriage nullifies an existing will, making it easier for predatory brides or grooms to take control of assets.

Read How Ontario’s laws make seniors an easy target for ‘predatory marriages’

What is Looking Ahead?

Smartly organize your affairs into 3 main categories: Incapacitation, Death and Legacy.

Read What is Looking Ahead?

The difficult conversations

Letting your family know about your estate planning can be hard, but here are some tips to help you broach the subject with your family members.

Read The difficult conversations

Fraud Against Elders: Is the Bank on the Hook?

Financial abuse of elders is a looming societal crisis.

Read Fraud Against Elders: Is the Bank on the Hook?

Nursing home cases highlight need for better standard of care

Personal injury lawyer Maia Bent says there needs to be attention paid to the homes and the people who work there.

Read Nursing home cases highlight need for better standard of care

What if the need to use assets for care contradicts the will?

Be up-front with the other siblings and let them know what’s going on.

Read What if the need to use assets for care contradicts the will?

Many Canadians entering retirement with inadequate savings, study says

“Fifty-five percent of Canadians aged 55–64 with no employer pension benefits have less than one year’s worth of savings.”

Read Many Canadians entering retirement with inadequate savings, study says

Looking for a Key-Note Speaker?

I enjoy speaking to groups on a variety of caregiving issues.

Read Looking for a Key-Note Speaker?

When caregivers are responsible for the family home: Some equitable solutions.

Family caregivers have a lot of responsibilities when a parent or both parents are living in the family home.

Read When caregivers are responsible for the family home: Some equitable solutions.