How Exercise Might “Clean” the Alzheimer’s Brain

Engaging in physical activity can be restorative for those living with Alzheimer’s disease.

Read How Exercise Might “Clean” the Alzheimer’s Brain

Five-minute neck scan can spot dementia 10 years earlier, say scientists.

Would you want to know?

Read Five-minute neck scan can spot dementia 10 years earlier, say scientists.

How to spot the signs of Alzheimer’s in your friends and loved ones.

Knowing some of the warning signs, will help you plan and be prepared to deal with this disease.

Read How to spot the signs of Alzheimer’s in your friends and loved ones.

What about the ‘unbefriended?’

As the population of “elder orphans” grows, more research is needed so that we can develop effective systems of public guardianship and care.

Read What about the ‘unbefriended?’

GPS tracking devices help find those with Alzheimer’s.

There are GPS devices on the market today that will help keep tabs on someone who wanders off.

Read GPS tracking devices help find those with Alzheimer’s.

Almost 50% of caregivers to loved ones with dementia experience distress, report says.

“You’re constantly strategizing and planning just to make life happen,” Caregiver Catherine Kelly

Read Almost 50% of caregivers to loved ones with dementia experience distress, report says.

Mindfulness Exercises for Dementia. A Guide for Professionals and Family Caregivers.

You are cordially invited to the GTA book launch where Eleanor Silverberg will describe and demonstrate how the successful practice of mindfulness was modified to accommodate people living with Alzheimer’s disease or other related dementia. This will be a fantastic book launch, don’t miss it.

Read Mindfulness Exercises for Dementia. A Guide for Professionals and Family Caregivers.

Canada’s first ‘dementia village’ to open next year.

The Village will be home to 78 people with dementia. Their care will be provided by 72 specially trained staff.

Read Canada’s first ‘dementia village’ to open next year.

For Dementia Caregivers, Going it Alone is Not an Option

National Caregivers Alliance estimates that up to 70 per cent of caregivers have significant symptoms of depression.

Read For Dementia Caregivers, Going it Alone is Not an Option

What does the future hold for the war on Alzheimer’s?

January is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. Learn what the future hold’s for Alzheimer’s research and treatment.

Read What does the future hold for the war on Alzheimer’s?