Huge financial bill looms if Ontario hospital patients refuse LTC.
Every senior and caregiver in Ontario should read this article and get up to speed on its topic.
Read Huge financial bill looms if Ontario hospital patients refuse LTC.
Ontario announces $1 billion to expand home care.
The Ontario government is investing $1 billion + over the next three years to expand home care.
Selling your parent’s home.
It’s emotional, time-consuming and closes a chapter in your life.
Join this Covid-19 LTC Transitions Study.
Help researchers learn why people stay or leave LTC during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Nearly 50% of all COVID-19 deaths in Canada are linked to LTC.
Worried about a loved one in a long term care facility? You should be.
Read Nearly 50% of all COVID-19 deaths in Canada are linked to LTC.
Seniors Homes: Banning family visitors. Only recourse – get arrested. Really?
Family members banned from seniors’ “homes” because they are complaining or causing problems for the staff.
Read Seniors Homes: Banning family visitors. Only recourse – get arrested. Really?
How to communicate effectively with the nursing home staff.
Make the nursing home staff your care partner.
Read How to communicate effectively with the nursing home staff.
Do you know what self-directed care is?
“In contrast to conventional home care programs in which care is managed and delivered by professionals or agencies on behalf of the client, in self managed programs the client takes a more active and central role both in defining needs and in determining how those needs should be met,”
Canada’s first ‘dementia village’ to open next year.
The Village will be home to 78 people with dementia. Their care will be provided by 72 specially trained staff.
Advocate for seniors and provide support during a hospital stay.
Seniors need extra support during a hospital stay.
Read Advocate for seniors and provide support during a hospital stay.